Agricultural Plant Protection Drone
Shenzhen Dream Eagle Technology
Professional drone structure supplier——Agricultural plant protection drone structure, industry transport drone carrier aircraft, professional manufacturer of heavy-duty aircraft
Provide the industry‘s most professional and complete drone structure design scheme, complete machine scheme, electric agricultural drone, and oil-powered drone flight scheme
Currently used in the load of agricultural drones - 10 kg, 16 kg, 20 kg, 30 kg, 40 kg and greater load solutions, corresponding to the industry‘s transport drone load
X4-10S——10 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
X6-10——10 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
X6-16——16 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
X4-20——20 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
X6-10——10 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
X6-16——16 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
X4-20——20 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
X4-30——30 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
F30——30 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
YS-10——Industrial application transportation platform with a load of 10 kg
YS-40——Industrial application transportation platform with a load of 40 kg
F30——30 kg load agricultural plant protection drone
YS-10——Industrial application transportation platform with a load of 10 kg
YS-40——Industrial application transportation platform with a load of 40 kg